How To Check Facebook Browser History?

Millions of new photos, videos and links are getting uploaded daily on Facebook and while browsing you come across few of them on your news feed. Some you may like and some you may not.

Let’s say you found a cool sponsored product link or an article. You clicked on the link. But for some reason one of your friend called and you closed the Facebook app without even reading it completely.  Now you are back and want to go back to that link but can’t find it anymore.

What would you do? Is it possible to check Facebook browser history? If yes then how?

Short Answer

I wrote this article on December 2018 and as of now there’s no direct ways to check facebook browser history. How ever there are some other ways you can check the links you clicked…

Methods To Check Browser History

  • Recent Ad Activity : If it’s a link from a Facebook Ad, then you can go to Menu > Recent Ad Activity on the mobile app or Recent Ad Activity on the web app. There you’ll find all sponsored posts clicked by you.
  • Activity Log : If you liked or commented on that post, you can go to your Profile > Activity Log to view all recent posts in which you were engaged.
  • Saved : Well, I guess you already know this. If you had saved that post. Then you can easily access it again using Menu > Saved option.
  • Device Browser History : It won’t work on mobile app. But if you clicked on that link on desktop or mobile browser. Then it’s always there in the specific browser’s history page. For Example, on Chrome, you can go to Menu > History to check the recent visited websites easily.

So there’s no ways to check the browsing history on Facebook app directly. If we are missing something, then please let us know in the comment.

Thanks for reading…

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